Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash
Clearly, the world is in crisis. Less obvious is the fact that the old ways, which have brought humanity so much suffering, are fast approaching an end.

People everywhere are sensing their power – their right to speak, to influence, and to shape their destiny. A new world is in the making – of justice, freedom and peace. In this coming time the peoples of all the nations will see their hopes for a better life fulfilled.
Photo by Vlad Tchompalov on Unsplash
According to author and futurist Benjamin Creme, the growing power of the people’s voice is being strengthened by a group of great spiritual teachers – the Masters of Wisdom – led by Maitreya, the World Teacher for this age. At this time of global upheaval, they are working more and more openly among us, to inspire humanity to create a new civilization based on sharing and cooperation.

As one of the Masters of Wisdom has said: “Today, once again, the moment has come for the people’s voice to be heard. Today, once more, it is essential that the needs of people everywhere for justice, for freedom and peace are heard and recognized by the wielders of reckless power.”